The Icelandic twin sisters and poets Herdís and Ólína Andrésdóttir were born in Flatey in Breiðafjörður on 13 June 1858 and died in Reykjavík, Herdís in 1939. A third sister, María, became the oldest ever Icelander, dying at the age of 106 in 1965 and keeping the Icelandic longevity record until 1980. Herdís and Ólína published a volume of poetry together (called simply
Ljóðmæli[Poetry]) in 1924, an expanded edition arriving in 1976. Because of this publishing process, they are often referred to by scholars as a unity, but in fact they were separated in childhood after losing their father at three and rarely met again until their old age in Reykjavík. There is also a considerable difference in their poetry. Ólína was more prolific and clearly more serious about her…
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Citation: Jakobsson, Ármann. "Herdís Andrésdóttir". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 18 January 2024 [, accessed 15 February 2025.]