Until today, the Middle Ages continue to exert a huge influence on our modern world, whether we think of architecture, visual arts, poetry, philosophy, theology, and even medicine. Much of ancient knowledge and philosophy was transmitted by medieval artists and intellectuals to the Renaissance and subsequent periods. The myths the western world lives by are deeply anchored in antiquity and the Middle Ages. The notion of love, as explored by Ovid, experienced further development since the twelfth century, first in southern France (the Provence), then in northern France, subsequently in southern Germany, northern Italy, and then in other parts of Europe. To simplify, there was first
troubadourlyric, then
Minnesang, and finally
il stil dolce nuovo. All the rest belongs to the world of…
2372 words
Citation: Classen, Albrecht. "Tannhäuser". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 20 August 2024 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=15275, accessed 07 March 2025.]