We know next to nothing of Raphael Holinshed's life, not even the exact year of his death, nor his exact share in what are usually called Holinshed's
Chronicles. He is thought to have come from Cheshire, and may be the Holinshed who matriculated in 1544 at Christ's College, Cambridge, after which, according to the seventeenth-century biographer Anthony Wood, he became a “minister of God's word”. His trace can be followed with more certainty from the early years of Elizabeth's reign, when he began to work in London for Reginald Wolfe, printer to the Queen, but the details of his personal life remain as hidden as before. According to his will, made in October 1578, after the publication of his magnum opus, he must have spent his last years in Warwickshire as steward to Thomas Burdet, to…
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Citation: Goy-Blanquet, Dominique. "Raphael Holinshed". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 23 September 2008 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2176, accessed 12 December 2024.]