C. S. Lewis was born in Belfast, Ulster (now Northern Ireland), 29 November 1898. His father, Albert, read law and became a solicitor, the first generation of his family to achieve professional status. His mother, Florence (Flora) Augusta Hamilton, descended from a titled Scottish family and an Anglo-Norman family that had been landowners in Ireland since the twelfth century. She graduated from Queens College, Belfast, with a First Class Honors in logic and Second Class Honors in mathematics. The Lewises were married in 1894. Their only other child, Warren, was born in 1895.
Lewis grew up in a household which valued education, reading, and music - both parents were voracious readers, and their house was filled with books. The boys began their education at home; Lewis learned French and
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Citation: Schakel, Peter. "C. S. Lewis". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 09 May 2003; last revised 26 September 2005. [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2718, accessed 09 February 2025.]