A fierce pacifist bard, Ed Sanders is one of the exemplary political poets emerging in the second half of the twentieth century. In June 1961 Sanders was dragged out of a river just outside New London, Connecticut, after protesting the launch of a Polaris submarine by trying to swim in its path. On the 17 February 1967 issue of
Lifemagazine an ‘abstract-expressionist’ version of his face was splashed on the cover as “a leader of New York’s Other Culture”. In the accompanying article, Sanders says, “I think the best thing to do with cops is to subtly instruct and teach them. Hating them doesn’t do any good. You have to try to be as gentle as possible and instruct them through example and discussion” (qtd. in Farrel 95). Between these two dates, Sanders became an integral…
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Citation: Hemmer, Kurt . "Ed Sanders". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 04 March 2009 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=3927, accessed 13 February 2025.]