James Elroy Flecker was born in November 1884, the eldest son of the Rev. W. H. Flecker. Flecker was educated at both Dean Close (where his father would become headmaster) and Uppingham, and in 1902 entered Trinity College, Oxford. A period of travel followed. Enrolling in the Consular Service, he went to Constantinople in 1910, and in 1911, married Helle Skiadaressi who he met in Athens.
At this time, Flecker was establishing a reputation as a poet, and several of his pieces were included in Edward Marsh's first two Georgian Poetry anthologies, marking him as one of the new Georgians. An acquaintance of Rupert Brooke, he shares a commemoration with that poet in the opening pages of Georgian Poetry II (1915), by which time both he and Brooke were dead.
At this time, Flecker was…
404 words
Citation: Bridges, James. "James Elroy Flecker". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 23 April 2002 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=4916, accessed 02 December 2024.]