Michael Ondaatje's novels lend themselves to post-modern and post-colonial approaches to literature but his distinctive appeal as a poet and novelist is that of an experimental practitioner and stylist expert in creating sensuous and sensual effects. His poetry begins in the 1960s in the context described by Northrop Frye as a colossal verbal explosion of writing in Canada. The large international success of the novel
The English Patientconfirms the emergence of a highly developed cultural hybridity in his work.
According to a biographer (Jewinski 1994), Ondaatje has been generous in his support of other writers but he appears reluctant to be treated as a literary celebrity and to answer questions about his private life. Philip Michael Ondaatje was born on 12 September 1943 in Ceylon
2540 words
Citation: Easingwood, Peter. "Michael Ondaatje". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 27 March 2002 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=4944, accessed 14 February 2025.]