John Skelton

Karen Elaine Smyth (University of East Anglia)
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Following in the medieval traditions of Chaucer, Gower, Lydgate and Latin verse, John Skelton (c.1460–1529) is a transitional poet, writing in the Early Tudor period and paving the way for Renaissance humanism. Often misconstrued, both in his day and in subsequent centuries, as being a supporter of the Reformation, he best merits attention as a political and religious satirist who criticises (rather than rebels against) the vices and dangers of courtly life and public popular fashions. However, Skelton remains a marginal figure in modern critical debates. There is little recognition of his achievements as a poet, parish priest, classicist, polemicist, rhetorician, satirist, and teacher of royals. He is much less noticed now than in the literary, church, royal and public circles he lived…

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Citation: Smyth, Karen Elaine. "John Skelton". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 05 November 2003 [, accessed 17 January 2025.]

5490 John Skelton 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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