The Merchant of Venice (2004) - film adaptation of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice

Literary/ Cultural Context Essay

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Adapted from William Shakespeare’s

The Merchant of Venice

. Directed by Michael Radford. Starring Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons, Joseph Fiennes and Lynn Collins. English. Color. 131 minutes.

Despite the little interest that Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice (1596) received during the seventeenth century, it has been the subject of great interest in later eras, as the topics of nation, modern law, immigration and minority rights became increasingly important. The play has certainly been the subject of a great deal of interest during the twentieth century, surrounding the topics of the Holocaust, anti-Semitism and Jewish nationality. While the cinematic history of the play includes several English language versions, the best-known productions have come out of Germany: The Jew of Mestry, a

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Citation: Abend-David, Dror. "The Merchant of Venice (2004) - film adaptation of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 08 February 2016 [, accessed 22 January 2025.]

19420 The Merchant of Venice (2004) - film adaptation of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice 2 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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