Allegory is a rhetorical device which we find in written and verbal representations where a group of signs stand for abstract ideas, usually religious, moral, philosophical or political. A widely known example is George Orwell’s novel
Animal Farm(1945), a satire on totalitarian governments in which specific types of farm animals stand for types of contemporary politicians: the pigs resemble communist autocrats, the horses resemble the conscious working class, whilst the sheep and cows resemble the docile masses.
Animal Farmis a “beast fable”, a genre of allegory that will be discussed later in this essay. Though here we will discuss allegory as a primarily verbal art, it is not limited to words and also appears in images such as are found in stained-glass windows and Renaissance…
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Citation: Kısmet Bell, Jameson. "Allegory". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 14 July 2023 [, accessed 26 January 2025.]