Dactylic: an
ictosyllabicform of metre in which each beat (see prosody) is typically followed by two offbeats (a combination traditionally called a
dactyl). In “The Charge of the Light Brigade” Tennyson uses dactyls to suggest the gallop of the horses (the last line is catalectic [see catalexis]):
* . . | * . . Cannon to |right of them, * . . | * . . Cannon to |left of them, * . . | * . . Cannon in |front of them * . . | * . (.) Volleyed and |thundered
* . . | * . . Cannon to |right of them, * . . | * . . Cannon to |left of them, * . . | * . . Cannon in |front of them * . . | * . (.) Volleyed and |thundered
66 words
Citation: Groves, Peter Lewis. "Dactyl, Dactylic". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 01 November 2001; last revised 11 February 2005. [https://www.litencyc.com/php/stopics.php?rec=true&UID=250, accessed 12 September 2024.]