Helen Oyeyemi, White Is for Witching

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White is for Witching

, first published in 2009, is Helen Oyeyemi’s third novel. Following

The Icarus Girl

(2005) and

The Opposite House

(2007), Oyeyemi returns to familiar themes of displacement, doubling and female insanity through her by-now-trademark writing style, which encompasses a diverse array of literary and cultural traditions, dark humour and a gothic narrative. Hailed as “a new voice in the modern macabre”, Oyeyemi’s culturally hybrid and stylistically experimental third novel represents an important new intervention in the contemporary Gothic (Machell).

Where Oyeyemi’s previous two novels followed literal journeys between Britain, Nigeria and the Caribbean, the present action of her third novel is situated entirely in Britain, but the narrative nevertheless takes

1783 words

Citation: Ilott, Sarah. "White Is for Witching". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 01 August 2013 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=35030, accessed 04 June 2024.]

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