(1967) by Zulfikar Ghose was the first contemporary novel written in English by an author of Pakistani origin to focus on Pakistani people. With the burgeoning of Pakistani-English fiction in the twenty-first century, the novel not only maintained its relevance, but also proved to be a harbinger of the contemporary Pakistani-English novel, assuring its status as a classic in this expanding canon.
The Murder of Aziz Khanwas published one year after Ghose’s first novel
The Contradictions(1966).
Ghose’s autobiography, Confessions of a Native-alien (1965), was written when he was barely thirty. The oxymoronic term “native-alien” provides a strong clue to an understanding of the writer’s concept of self. It bears upon Ghose’s relationship to the land of
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Citation: Khawaja, Nusrat. "The Murder of Aziz Khan". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 08 September 2021 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=11862, accessed 17 January 2025.]