Mary Shelley, Lodore

Graham Allen (University College Cork)
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begins with Lord Lodore’s sister, Elizabeth Fitzhenry, waiting after years for her beloved brother’s return to England. Lord Lodore, we discover, is now a resident of a pioneer settlement in the Illinois, USA. As the narrative focus switches to him we are introduced to Lodore and his daughter, Ethel, who seem to share an ideal father-daughter relationship. The narrator’s description of their relationship, including Lodore’s education of Ethel, however, begins to cast a subtle doubt on whether her complete dependence on and identification with her father is really such a good thing. Ethel has spent almost all her life with Lodore in socially secluded Illinois, but when a young man shows romantic interest in her, Lodore impulsively decides to quit the Illinois and return to…

4440 words

Citation: Allen, Graham. "Lodore". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 02 February 2004 [, accessed 17 January 2025.]

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