George Sand, Indiana

Nigel Harkness (University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
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launched Sand’s literary career, not only because it was an instant critical success, but also because it marked the birth of the author “George Sand”. When the novel first appeared in 1832, it bore the signature “G. Sand”, a compromise designed to capitalise on the public’s awareness of the pseudonym “J. Sand”, which the future George Sand had shared with her former lover and literary collaborator, Jules Sandeau, while also establishing a new authorial identity. Thus Sand would declare in a letter to her friend Laure Decerfz of July 1832: “A Paris Mme Dudevant est morte. Mais Georges Sand est connu pour un vigoureux gaillard” [In Paris, Mme Dudevant is dead. But Georges Sand is known as a vigorous fellow] (George Sand,


, vol. 2, p. 120; my…

2252 words

Citation: Harkness, Nigel. "Indiana". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 04 October 2011 [, accessed 17 January 2025.]

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