On July 2, 1670 a new book of Milton’s was licensed for publication and then registered with the Stationers in September. It contained two remarkable poems,
Paradise Regainedand
Samson Agonistes.Thomas Ellwood, a young Quaker friend of Milton, had already seen a draft of
Paradise Regainedin 1666; indeed he claimed that he was himself the inspiration for the poem. Milton had given him to read the manuscript of
Paradise Lostat Chalfont St Giles in 1665. When he returned it, he commented that “Thou hast said much here of
Paradise lost, but what hast thou to say of
Paradise found? He made me no Answer, but sate some time in a Muse; then brake off that discourse, and fell upon another Subject” (233). This brilliant little cameo is revealing. It suggests that the excellent Ellwood had…
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Citation: Forsyth, Neil. "Paradise Regained". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 04 February 2012 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=2921, accessed 12 October 2024.]