[Henry, or Byzantium gained] is a twenty-seven-canto epic poem published in 1635 in Venice. Its author, Lucrezia Marinella, was one of three women writers in Early Modern Italy to take up this genre; because it was considered the peak of writing excellence at the time and due to its topics (public if not altogether political in nature), it did not attract many female authors. Marinella instead engaged the challenge set up by Torquato Tasso in both his epic poems (
Gerusalemme liberataof 1581 and the reworked
Gerusalemme conquistataof 1593) and theoretical writings (
Discorsi dell’arte poeticaof 1587 and
Discorsi del poema eroicoof 1594): in so doing she chose a topic that was important in the history of her city, Venice, remote…
1290 words
Citation: Galli Stampino, Maria. "L'Enrico, overo Bisantio acquistato, poema eroico". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 23 September 2010 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=29851, accessed 14 February 2025.]