Anne Stevenson, Stone Milk

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Stone Milk

(2007) is Anne Stevenson’s seventeenth separate collection of new poems, the first to be published since

A Report from the Border

(2003). It falls into three, discrete parts:

1. A Lament for the Makers, pp. 11-32. A long dream poem. 2. Stone Milk, pp. 34-52. A collection of sixteen shorter poems. 3. The Myth of Medea, pp. 54-71. A dramatic entertainment.


A Lament for the Makers

, pp. 11-32. A long dream poem. 2.

Stone Milk

, pp. 34-52. A collection of sixteen shorter poems. 3.

The Myth of Medea

, pp. 54-71. A dramatic entertainment.

The volume as a whole is dedicated “in loving memory of Susan Cooper” [Stevenson’s husband’s sister], who died the year before it was published.

The volume as a whole is dedicated “in loving memory of Susan Cooper” [Stevenson’s…

2422 words

Citation: Gordon, Ian. "Stone Milk". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 12 March 2012 [, accessed 17 January 2025.]

31618 Stone Milk 3 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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