On September 8, 1943, Italy was plunged into a civil war, a fratricidal bloodbath that lasted eighteen horrific months. After the war, many books appeared that dealt with the conflict, but always from the perspective of the Resistance. Giose Rimanelli, a seventeen-year-old adolescent and former seminary student, was in his hometown of Casacalenda (Molise) when the Allied operations in Italy commenced in the late summer of 1943. Everyday life in his village was one in which the people clung to ancient patriarchal rites. His existence in this town was, according to a childhood friend, strangling him, and he longed to reach the coast. Wanting nothing more than to escape the confines of his secluded region, he mistakenly accepted a ride on a German truck retreating through his town as it…
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Citation: Postman, Sheryl Lynn. "Tiro al piccione". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 14 February 2014 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=35006, accessed 14 February 2025.]