Lebanese-Canadian Wajdi Mouawad’s play
Incendies[Fires; translated into English under the title
Scorched, 2005], published in 2003, forms the second part of a tetralogy titled
Le sang des promesses[The Blood of Promises], other volumes of which include
(2006), and
Ciels[Skies] (2009). Though each of these four dramatic units is a self-contained play which can be read independently from the other three, Mouawad notes that what reunites them is the underlying question of origin, a fundamental reflexion at the heart of his project (Mouawad, 2011: 9). A prolific dramaturge and novelist, Director of the Théâtre National de la Colline in Paris since 2016, Mouawad recognises that he has been haunted by the idea of war, which influences and…
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Citation: Chatta, Rasha. "Incendies". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 14 June 2018 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=35612, accessed 15 September 2024.]