What might be overlooked as a minor work considering that its author, Gérard Bessette (1920-2005), is better known as a critic than a novelist, is quoted with much importance in Michel Biron, Elisabeth Nardout-Lafarge and François Dumont’s
Histoire de la littérature québécoise. There
Le Libraire[
Not for Every Eye] (1960) is described as the prototypical novel of the Quiet Revolution:
The novel reaches a broad public and incorporates references to the actual world, that of the city, the youth, the social and national revolution, and sexual liberation. Even in a maze of wordplay, the novel seems to speak of and to its very own era.
The novel reaches a broad public and incorporates references to the actual world, that of the city, the youth, the social and national revolution, and…
4005 words
Citation: Pascal, Marie. "Le Libraire". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 08 February 2017 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=35820, accessed 14 December 2024.]