by French writer George Sand (1804-1876) was published in
La Revue des deux mondesin 1839 (15 July, 1 August). Though Sand defines
Gabrielas a “roman dialogué”, it could very well be considered a play, as it consists of a prologue and five parts with scenes and stage directions. The plot, set in Italy sometime between the Renaissance and seventeenth century, discusses filiation and inheritance while openly expressing women’s revendications of today: “on peut encore aujourd’hui sans hésitation qualifier de féministe la prise de position de ce texte qui revendique l’égalité des femmes en matière d’éducation, d’amour et de comportement” [To this day, one can, without hesitation, characterize this as a feminist text, which advocates equality for women in…
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Citation: Vernier, Béatrice. "Gabriel". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 09 April 2021 [, accessed 09 October 2024.]