is a short medieval tale about an Icelander called Stúfr, who comes from Iceland to Norway and stays with an unnamed farmer. At the farm he meets the King, who at the time was Haraldr Sigurðarson, also known as King Haraldr harðráði (the Severe). The two of them have a somewhat comical conversation, but the king likes Stúfr and asks him to come to his room and entertain him. Stúfr obeys and recites poetry to the king. Later, Stúfr asks for three favours in return: that the King help him get an inheritance he is owed in Norway, that he be allowed to compose a poem about Haraldr, and thirdly that he is allowed to join his court. The King grants him these wishes leading to a happy end of the story.
Stúfr is introduced as an accomplished poet and descendant of Guðrún
1036 words
Citation: Jóhannesdóttir, Þórdís Edda. "Stúfs þáttr". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 29 December 2022 [, accessed 19 February 2025.]