was written by James Janeway, a Puritan minister, and published originally in two parts in England between 1671-1672. Spreading his religious message and encouraging children to be pious, Janeway aims to persuade his young readers to achieve “joyful deaths” to avoid Hell and enter Heaven through the moral messages of the thirteen young children “drawn from life” who die within the text (Thwaite, 27). The children within the text are examples to their families; they enjoy scriptures and sermons. Despite succumbing to illness, they rejoice in that they were chosen for the Lord, reject pity and accept their eternal happiness in the heavenly afterlife…
3188 words
Citation: Price, Pamela. "A Token for Children". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 03 July 2024 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=41167, accessed 09 December 2024.]