Mary Butts, The Crystal Cabinet

Andrew Radford (University of Glasgow)
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The Crystal Cabinet: My Childhood at Salterns

, Mary Butts’ unfinished memoir,

was published by Methuen in 1937. Early reviews in

Time and Tide


The Listener

were alert to the text’s generic sophistication and hybridity; how the sometimes-fragmentary design both reflected and disrupted traditions of formal autobiography, land-writing, reminiscence, elegy and swingeing social critique. The reference to William Blake’s poem of the same name in the book’s title proclaims what is for the author a crucial family link: Mary was the great-granddaughter of Blake’s close associate, correspondent, and principal patron Thomas Butts (1739-1845). This sense of connection to Blake’s visionary poetics, coupled with her vaunted derivation from “the most ancient blood in England” (


, p.…

1618 words

Citation: Radford, Andrew. "The Crystal Cabinet". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 27 September 2023 [, accessed 09 February 2025.]

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