Shahidullah Kaiser, Sangsaptak

Asif Iqbal (Oberlin College)
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Shahidullah Kaiser’s


(1965) is one of the few novels from the former East Pakistan to deal with the partition of British India in 1947.


revolves around the neighbouring villages of Bakulia and Taltoli in East Bengal, as readers are offered a glimpse into the transformative journey of Abdul Malek (aka Malu) as he moves from East Bengal’s rural milieu to Calcutta at a time when the economic crisis caused by the Second World War is intensifying in East Bengal’s villages, forcing Malu and some of his acquaintances to seek employment opportunities in Calcutta. It is during his time in Calcutta that Malu comes face to face with the horrors of the Great Calcutta Killing, which he barely survives thanks to the generosity of his Hindu benefactor, Shahchin Babu. After…

1091 words

Citation: Iqbal, Asif. "Sangsaptak". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 21 February 2024 [, accessed 17 January 2025.]

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