This novel opens in Costa Rica, where a cruise ship has anchored and discharged its passengers to explore the local attractions. One busload of these tourists bounces over rough roads to a nature reserve, where local thugs colluding with the bus driver attempt to rob the tourists. One of the bandits has a pistol, but his accomplices are armed only with knives. The one with the gun makes the mistake of getting too close to a retired high school principal named Sten Stenson, whose wife, Carolee, has badgered him into taking the cruise. A former Marine and Vietnam vet, Sten is a large man and grabs the bandit in a headlock that becomes a chokehold when Sten lifts him off the ground. The startled bandit drops the handgun and in a matter of minutes suffocates to death. When Sten drops him and…
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Citation: Kich, Martin. "The Harder They Come". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 19 August 2024 [, accessed 07 March 2025.]