The Literary Encyclopedia Research Travel Awards 2024

The Literary Encyclopedia Research Travel Award grants travel bursaries worth between £500 and £750 each to assist emerging scholars in defraying the costs of archival research on a literary or related matter (conference attendance will not be covered.) This programme is funded through the donation of royalties by contributors and editors to the Encyclopedia.

Applications are accepted from early career researchers* or PhD students from an institution which subscribes to The Literary Encyclopedia or is a contributor to our publication.

As of 2023, The Literary Encyclopedia has changed the application timetable of its Travel Award in order to better cover the varied research schedules of early career researchers. There will be two rounds of the competition: one with a deadline of 1 April 2024 and the other of 1 September 2024. In each round we will make up to two awards, depending on the quality of submissions, and we will refer any good but unsuccessful awards to the subsequent round if the applicant’s research timetable does not preclude this.

Applications are considered by the Editorial Board of The Literary Encyclopedia whose decision is final. The money is paid on presentation of receipts.

Successful applicants will be expected to write a formal report of their work to be published on our website. The contribution of the LE Travel Award should be acknowledged in any resulting publications from these awards.

You can read about the winning candidates and research proposals from previous years HERE.

(*An early career researcher is “an individual who is within eight years of the award of their PhD or within 6 years of their first academic appointment” (AHRC).)

We will post further details about the first round of the Travel Award in due course; these will be announced on our homepage and circulated among our subscribers and contributors.

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