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Name   Institution
Bagby , Laurie Show Articles Kansas State
Bagchi , Barnita Show Articles Utrecht
Baguley , David Show Articles Durham
Bailey , Michael Show Articles Essex
Baillargeon , Philippe Show Articles Massachusetts (Amherst)
Bain , Helen Show Articles King's College London
Baines , Paul Show Articles Liverpool
Baja Guarienti , Carlo Show Articles Modena and Reggio
Bak , John Steven Show Articles Lorraine
Baker , Brian Show Articles Lancaster
Baker , Charlotte Show Articles Lancaster
Baker , Emily   Birkbeck, London
Baker , Emily   Cambridge
Baker , John Show Articles Westminster
Baker , Nora Show Articles Oxford
Baker , Pascale Show Articles UCD Dublin
Baker , Raquel  
Baker , William Show Articles Northern Illinois
Balakier , Ann Stewart Show Articles South Dakota
Balakier , James Show Articles South Dakota

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