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Name   Institution
Bayeh , Jumana   Macquarie
Bayer , Gerd Show Articles Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU)
Bazzoni , Alberica Show Articles ICI Berlin
Beach , Cecilia Show Articles Alfred
Beal , Jane   La Verne
Beales , Brodie Show Articles Flinders
Beard , Alexander   Oxford
Beare , Charlotte   Exeter
Beasley , Faith   Dartmouth
Beatson , Peter Show Articles Massey
Beaulieu , Derek   Mount Royal
Beck , Hamilton H.H. Show Articles Moscow Information and Technology University
Becker , Carina Show Articles Dusseldorf
Bedggood , Daniel Findlay Show Articles Canterbury
Bednarowski , K. Paul Show Articles Maryland
Beene , LynnDianne Show Articles New Mexico
Beer , Anna Show Articles Oxford
Beer , Josh (D. G.) Show Articles Carleton (Canada)
Behlen , Charles William Show Articles Independent Scholar - North America
Behrendt , Kathy Anne Show Articles Wilfrid Laurier

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