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Name   Institution
Eustace , John Show Articles Acadia
Campbell , Wanda Ruth   Acadia
Rzepa , Agnieszka Show Articles Adam Mickiewicz (Poznan)
Edwards , Natalie Show Articles Adelaide
Garret , Nicole Show Articles Adelphi
Mayo , Christopher Show Articles Adelphi
Ocasio , Rafael Show Articles Agnes Scott
Thorsrud , Harald Show Articles Agnes Scott
Abou Ghaida , Susanne Show Articles Aix-Marseille Université
Brunet , Mathieu   Aix-Marseille Université
Robinson , Joshua   Akron
Helbig , Madison Show Articles Akron
Ivery , Kendra Show Articles Akron
Robinson , Joshua Show Articles Akron
Lago , Alexa Show Articles Akron
Svehla , Lance Show Articles Akron
Muhammad , Shamael Show Articles Akron
Potter , Sonia Show Articles Akron
Bolton , Philathia Show Articles Akron
Fenn , Evelyn   Akron

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