Ever since the initial studies of Jean-Jacques Joubert on the future of the literature and culture of the Indian Ocean, critics and researchers have been engaged in a vast enterprise of discovery: that of the vast range of English and French-language literature of the
indianoceanicregion, and in particular Mauritius. Mauritian Francophone writer Ananda Devi (A. D. Nirsimloo-Anenden) is considered one of the most prominent writers of the Indian Ocean, having made influential contributions to the artistic culture of Mauritius as a novelist, poet, essayist and screenplay writer. In addition to her very considerable literary profile, Devi holds a doctorate from the University of London in social anthropology, having defended a thesis on Telegu ethnic identity in Mauritius, an ethnic group…
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Citation: Bannerjee, Rohini. "Ananda Devi". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 09 December 2008 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=12498, accessed 06 February 2025.]