Javier Marías is a major European writer and the author of eleven novels (including
Tu rostro mañana[
Your Face Tomorrow], published in three volumes between 2002 and 2007), which have been translated into forty-one languages and published in fifty-one countries, two collections of short stories, and nineteen collections of essays, articles, newspaper columns and biographical portraits.
Born in Madrid in 1951, he is the fourth of five sons of Dolores Franco and Julián Marías. (The firstborn, Julianín, died at the age of three and a half in 1949 and is movingly evoked by Javier Marías in Negra espalda del tiempo (1998) [Dark Back of Time], as well as by the father in his memoirs.) His mother and father, who met at university in the turbulent Spain of the 1930s during the Second
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Citation: Grohmann, Alexis. "Javier Marías". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 16 October 2011 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=12897, accessed 10 November 2024.]