Jean-Paul Michel, born in 1948 in La Roche-Canillac in the Limousin, France, is the author of numerous widely acclaimed works of poetry, meditative diaries and a great range of books and essays. His most widely read poetical writings, much celebrated for their originality by his peers and in a broad selection of press reviews, may be said to be the 1997 collection
Le plus réel est ce hasard et ce feu(The Most Real is Chance and Fire), that of 2001,
Défends-toi, Beauté violente!(Stand Tall, Violent Beauty!), and the 2010 volume,
Je ne voudrais rien qui mente, dans un livre(I Want no Lies, in a Book). Profoundly impacted by his meeting with André Breton shortly before the latter’s death in 1966, already deeply affected by his readings of Rimbaud and Joyce, setting up his own hand…
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Citation: Bishop, Michael. "Jean-Paul Michel". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 06 December 2012 [, accessed 15 September 2024.]