A Catalan writer, born in Barcelona in 1908, Redoreda acquired international fame with her novel
La plaça del Diamant(1962)[
La plaza del Diamante, 1965;
The Pigeon Girl, 1967
; The Time of the Doves,1981]
.Gabriel García Márquez considered it to bethe most beautiful novel published in Spain after the Civil War. Márquez was writing in 1983, on the death of Rodoreda, a date which marked the rediscovery of a writer whose reputation had been mostly restricted to Catalonia, her country of birth. The fact that her literary language was Catalan had placed her as a somewhat marginal figure in Spanish literary circles. But even within Catalonia, and despite having been awarded several literary prizes over the course of her career (most notably in 1966 the Premi Sant Jordi, and in 1969 the…
1820 words
Citation: de Ros, Xon . "Mercè Rodoreda". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 03 January 2013 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=13157, accessed 09 December 2024.]