The best known text by Alexis Piron (1689-1773) is perhaps also one of the shortest, the two-line epitaph he wrote for himself:

Ci git, Piron, qui ne fut rien, Pas même académicien. (Rigoley de Juvigny VII, 60) [Here lies Piron, who was a nobody, / not even a member of the Académie française. (My translation.)]

Ci git,


, qui ne fut rien, Pas même académicien. (Rigoley de Juvigny VII, 60) [Here lies Piron, who was a nobody, / not even a member of the Académie française. (My translation.)]

This couplet and the story behind it tell us a lot about Piron. Any sense of sour grapes or self-pity is redeemed by a self-deprecating sense of humour. Nevertheless, that sense of humour is also often directed against others, and that “pas même” [“not even”] cuts down to size

3745 words

Citation: Connon, Derek Frederick. "Alexis Piron". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 04 February 2019 [, accessed 13 January 2025.]

14410 Alexis Piron 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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