Delphine de Vigan

Kathryn Robson (University of Newcastle)
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Delphine de Vigan, born on 1 March 1966, is a French writer and filmmaker who gained international recognition after the success of her 2007 novel

No et moi


No and Me

] (2010). Vigan’s work has since reached a wide public in France and beyond. She gave up her job as a marketing research manager after publishing

No et moi

to write full time and has since published prolifically and had success as a film director (notably

A coup sûr

(2014) [

For Sure

]). Critical writing on her work is still relatively limited, with

No et moi

attracting most critical attention, mainly around its representations of empathy, but attention has also been paid to the autofictional testimony to anorexia nervosa and recovery in her first novel,

Jours sans faim


Days Without Hunger

] (2001), and to the…

2218 words

Citation: Robson, Kathryn. "Delphine de Vigan". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 03 May 2023 [, accessed 18 February 2025.]

14894 Delphine de Vigan 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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