Mir Taqi Mir is one of two highly esteemed figures of Urdu poetry, the other being Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib. Mir was a master of the romantic ghazal genre and a great chronicler of his time. Even as he painted a compelling portrait of eighteenth century Mughal India in refreshingly accessible language, he lamented the crumbling socio-political order.
Urdu poetry has dominated the emotional and cultural landscape of undivided India for hundreds of years. Through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, while the Mughal empire was in spectacular decline, its capital Delhi, then known as Shahjahanabad, became the seat of Urdu poetry. Some of the most well-known poets in Urdu literature, including Sauda, Dard, Mushafi, Hatim, Zauq, Momin, Azurdah, Shefta and Dagh, made Delhi their home, as
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Citation: Mahmood, Saif. "Mir Taqi Mir". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 29 October 2023 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=14977, accessed 03 October 2024.]