Thomas Moore was born in Dublin on 28 May 1779, the eldest son of John Moore, a modest yet respectable shopkeeper, and Anastasia Codd. Though the family survived on relatively humble means, much energy was spent on realising the aims that Anastasia had for the young Tom. Encouraged by early signs of a precocious intelligence, she secured a place for her son at one of Dublin's finest educational establishments, Samuel Whyte's English Grammar School. There, Moore was schooled in poetry, rhetoric and the performing arts, and by the time he entered Trinity College at the age of fifteen, he was already a published poet, having made several contributions to Dublin's
Anthologia Hibernicamagazine.
Moore's college career started successfully, as he regularly earned first place in his class in
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Citation: Tonra, Justin. "Thomas Moore". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 17 August 2008 [, accessed 18 September 2024.]