Njabulo Simakahle Ndebele was born in Western Native Township in Johannesburg on July 4th, 1948 and grew up in Charterston Location in Nigel. His schooling reflects the voluntary and involuntary movements of Black South Africans then in search of a better education as the worst fears of Bantu Education, promulgated in 1953 and designed by the then Minister of Native Affairs, Hendrik Verwoerd, became apparent. Bantu Education was specifically designed not to educate black children above certain forms of labour, so parents who could afford to sent their children to neighbouring countries for schooling. Ndebele spent his childhood years mostly at Charterston Location, completing primary education at the Mzimkhulu Primary School in 1957 and Zakheni Higher Primary School in 1960. Thereafter he…
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Citation: Raditlhalo, Sam. "Njabulo Simakahle Ndebele". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 28 July 2009 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=3310, accessed 15 February 2025.]