Albert Camus was one of a group of writers and philosophers who were known under the generic rubric: “Existentialists”. In fact, while Camus was indeed an
habituéof the clubs and cafés of Saint-Germain-des-Prés and a friend of Sartre, Beauvoir and their acolytes, his world view, ethics and politics differed substantially from those of the generation of writers and thinkers with whom he is most often associated. These differences were most pronounced in the post-war years, when ethical concerns came to the fore and writers found themselves in a difficult position of moral authority and responsibility. Camus, a prolific writer of essays, plays, works of fiction and journalism, stood against the tide by denouncing the revolutionary ideal favoured by Sartre as an inevitable precursor…
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Citation: Crawley Jackson, Amanda. "Albert Camus". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 08 June 2006 [, accessed 18 February 2025.]