Charles d’Orléans

Mariana Neilly (Queen's University Belfast)
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Nephew of Charles VI of France and father to Louis XII, Charles d’Orléans is considered to be one of the finest French lyric poets of the Middle Ages. Raised in a privileged and literary environment, he was directly involved in one of the most unstable periods of the French Middle Ages, the Hundred Years’ War, and became a political prisoner after being captured by Henry V’s army at the Battle of Agincourt. He spent twenty-five years in England, during which time he composed a considerable body of French, and, many have argued, English verse. Situated on the cusp of the humanist movement that would come to dominate the following centuries, Charles represents the culmination of the courtly tradition.

Charles (duc) d’Orléans was born on 24 November 1394 at the Hôtel Royal in

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Citation: Neilly, Mariana. "Charles d’Orléans". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 25 November 2008 [, accessed 17 January 2025.]

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