means “self-publishing” and is the term used of unofficial or illegal publications produced or circulated in the Soviet period (often just barely legible carbon copies of typescripts) – although a similar tradition had existed of the circulation of hand-written copies of non-permitted, or imported, texts during the Tsarist era. Many banned works achieved limited circulation by such methods – as opposed to resorting to
tamizdat(publication “over there” [
tam] – i.e. in the West: illegal for Soviet authors, without permission; or achieving
gosizdat(“state”, or officially sanctioned, publication).
Tamizdat Tamizdat means publication “over there” [tam] and is the colloquial term used for the illicit publication by Soviet writers of their works in the
256 words
Citation: Cornwell, Neil. "Soviet Literature - Samizdat, Tamizdat and Gosizdat publishing". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 15 September 2005 [, accessed 09 February 2025.]