The last thirty years have seen increasing interest in the Norman political and economic thinker Charles-Irénée de Castel,
abbéde Saint-Pierre (1658-1743). The main reason for this attention is to be found in his
Projet pour rendre la paix perpétuelle en Europe[
Projectfor Bringing about
Perpetual Peace in Europe], published in two volumes between 1713 – the year of the Treaty of Utrecht that ended the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) – and 1717. More specifically, Saint-Pierre’s relentless and life-long insistence on the need to surpass the balance of power system through the foundation of a powerful, sovereign European Diet has led historians to wonder where such a visionary proposal might have originated. As shown by scholars like Maria Grazia Bottaro Palumbo and…
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Citation: Talini, Giulio. "The abbé de Saint-Pierre and British pacifism". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 08 April 2021 [, accessed 15 January 2025.]