(1758-present day) was the final, and most successful, periodical venture of the entrepreneurial bookseller Robert Dodsley (1703-64), following on from
The Public Register(1741),
The Museum(1746-47),
The World(1753-56), and
The London Chronicle(1757). The first, five-hundred-page volume of
The Annual Register, or
A View of the History, Politicsand Literature for the Year 1758, to give it its full title, with the twenty-nine-year-old Edmund Burke (1730-97) as its anonymous editor, was published on 15 May 1759. This was a periodical on a far grander scale than anything Robert Dodsley had previously ventured. Dodsley had by this time gone into partnership with his younger brother, James. Their aim was to publish annually a compendium of the main historical, political…
1790 words
Citation: Gordon, Ian. "The Annual Register". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 05 July 2008 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/stopics.php?rec=true&UID=5532, accessed 17 January 2025.]