Grace Aguilar, The Women of Israel

Alyssa Q. Johnson (Texas Christian University)
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Grace Aguilar (1816-1847), a Sephardic English Jewish author, was known for her prolific cross-genre work.

The Women of Israel

(1845), commonly considered her masterpiece, is equal parts biography, theological commentary, and conduct book. In the widely read, multi-volume work, Aguilar dedicates chapters to significant Hebrew women from the Jewish Bible and history, bringing their stories to life and illustrating the lessons modern Victorian women, particularly Jewish ones, could learn from them. Although twenty-first century readers may be put off by Aguilar’s domestic arguments, she also makes an important call for religious equality.

On the surface, Aguilar’s book informs Jewish women of their proud history and encourages them to be better mothers. With each character study and

2457 words

Citation: Johnson, Alyssa Q.. "The Women of Israel". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 15 June 2021 [, accessed 16 June 2024.]

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