The Fall] (1956) is Camus’s third work of fiction. He termed it “
unrécit”, a narrative recounted by a character (as were
The Outsider] and
La Peste[
The Plague]). Camus did not call anything he wrote a “novel”, until
Le Premier Homme[The First Man], the book he was working on when he died.
La Chutediffers from most of his work as it was written over a short period of time, with fewer revisions than he typically made, and was not part of the original plan that he envisaged when he was starting his literary career. While it continues many of the themes of his earlier work,
La Chuteis also a response to what happened in his political and personal life after the publication of
L’Homme révolté[
The Rebel] (1951).
Jean-Baptiste Clamence, the narrator of
2061 words
Citation: King, Adele. "La Chute". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 25 February 2011 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=11625, accessed 19 February 2025.]