Proshchanie s Materoi) was published towards the end of 1976 in
Nash sovremennik,a monthly periodical known since the 1970s for its support of Russian nationalist causes in their various guises, including the more extremist manifestations. The novella provoked heated debate in literary circles, and the respected critical journal
Voprosy literaturydevoted 80 pages to it in its February 1977 issue. Rasputin's earlier works had met with almost universal approval and praise, but here the critics were divided. Some applauded its elegiac lyricism, charting the last months and weeks in the life of a Siberian village, and the disappearance of an age-old way of life as it gives way to technological progress. Others were less impressed with the implied criticism of official…
1819 words
Citation: Gillespie, David. "Proshchanie s Materoi". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 10 September 2003 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=12768, accessed 19 February 2025.]