Although we possess only fourteen fragments (K.-A. III.2 444-457) of this lost comedy, there are some points of interest for the student. First,
Storksbelongs to Aristophanes’ later years. After the production of Aristophanes’ masterpiece of 405 (
Frogs) we enter something of a wasteland, with only
Women(ca. 392) and
Wealth(388) extant, as well as the evidence for two later plays produced by his son in the mid-380s, which were recognised as more in the spirit of later comedy (
Kokalos). The mention of Neokleides (F 454), a political figure and comic target at
Women254, 398ff. and at
Wealth665ff., and that of Patrokles (cf.
Wealth84), shows that
Storksbelongs to the 390s and thus adds to our knowledge of late Aristophanes. Aristotle F 628 (
1028 words
Citation: Storey, Ian. "The Storks". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 25 March 2013 [, accessed 02 December 2024.]