Euripides, Heraclidae

Virgilio Irmici (Independent Scholar - Europe)
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We have no production date for the Heraclidae (‘Children of Heracles’). The most persuasive attempt to date the play has been made by Zuntz (1955: 81-88). In 431 B.C. Spartans invaded Attica. The attack, which caused little damage, stopped between Mt. Parnes and Brilessus, a location not far from Pallene. Pallene is the place where Eurystheus in the exodus (see ‘Literary Form and Plot’) requests to be buried; he promises that Athens will get in return protection against the descendants of the children of Heracles (viz. the Spartans). Zuntz argues that Eurystheus’ prophecy alludes to the above-mentioned invasion; consequently, the play should have been produced after 431 B.C. On this logic, it could not have been produced after the summer of 430, when the Spartans carried

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Citation: Irmici, Virgilio. "Heraclidae". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 25 September 2017; last revised 12 February 2020. [, accessed 18 February 2025.]

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